Meeting Details
Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting
Held at: Virtual Meeting
Thursday, 04/01/2021
From 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Call to Order - Chairman Hadley
Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
Important Information Concerning Public Comment:
Citizens wishing to be included in the public comment portion of this meeting, as well as those providing testimony, should follow instructions provided on this weblink:
If you are unable to connect on-line, please call the Manager's Office at 724-776-4806 ext. 1103 by 5:00 pm. on the day of the meeting and leave your comment, along with your name and address. Presentations for public hearings are available for public view at this weblink:
Citizens wishing to be included in the public comment portion of this meeting, as well as those providing testimony, should follow instructions provided on this weblink:
If you are unable to connect on-line, please call the Manager's Office at 724-776-4806 ext. 1103 by 5:00 pm. on the day of the meeting and leave your comment, along with your name and address. Presentations for public hearings are available for public view at this weblink:
Public Comment (Any item on or off the Agenda)
Administration - Chairman Hadley
Remittance Proposals & Payroll Warrants
Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals & Payroll Warrants:
1. Remittance Proposal FEB21WIR dated 2-28-21
2. Remittance Proposal FEB21PPD dated 2-28-21
3. Remittance Proposal MAR21MID dated 3-18-21
4. Remittance Proposal MAR21REF dated 3-22-21
5. Remittance Proposal APR21BIG dated 4-2-21
6. Payroll Warrant 042021 dated 2-19-21
7. Payroll Warrant S0421 dated 2-26-21
8. Payroll Warrant 052021 dated 3-5-21
9. Payroll Warrant S0521 dated 3-15-21
Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals & Payroll Warrants:
1. Remittance Proposal FEB21WIR dated 2-28-21
2. Remittance Proposal FEB21PPD dated 2-28-21
3. Remittance Proposal MAR21MID dated 3-18-21
4. Remittance Proposal MAR21REF dated 3-22-21
5. Remittance Proposal APR21BIG dated 4-2-21
6. Payroll Warrant 042021 dated 2-19-21
7. Payroll Warrant S0421 dated 2-26-21
8. Payroll Warrant 052021 dated 3-5-21
9. Payroll Warrant S0521 dated 3-15-21
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve the following Meeting Minutes;
February 25, 2021 Agenda Preparation meeting
March 25, 2021 Agenda Preparation meeting
Motion to approve the following Meeting Minutes;
February 25, 2021 Agenda Preparation meeting
March 25, 2021 Agenda Preparation meeting
Planning & Development Services - Supervisor Skorupan
PR #28150- Frito Lay Expansion - Preliminary and Final Land Development and Conditional Use (TLD 5/22/21)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-14, granting Preliminary and Final Land Development and Conditional Use approval for a two phase expansion to an existing warehouse use building consisting of a 2,634 square foot dock addition in Phase 1 and a 32,490 square foot expansion to an existing Distribution Warehouse in Phase 2 on approximately 10 acres within the Thomson Business Park in the SU-1 zoning district located at 1100 Thomson Park Drive.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-14, granting Preliminary and Final Land Development and Conditional Use approval for a two phase expansion to an existing warehouse use building consisting of a 2,634 square foot dock addition in Phase 1 and a 32,490 square foot expansion to an existing Distribution Warehouse in Phase 2 on approximately 10 acres within the Thomson Business Park in the SU-1 zoning district located at 1100 Thomson Park Drive.
PR #28152 - Frito Lay Expansion Lot Line Revision - Preliminary and Final Subdivision (TLD 5/22/21)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-15, granting Preliminary and Final Subdivision approval for the consolidation of two (2) lots consisting of 10.02 acres located at 1100 Thomson Park Drive in the SU-1 zoning district.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-15, granting Preliminary and Final Subdivision approval for the consolidation of two (2) lots consisting of 10.02 acres located at 1100 Thomson Park Drive in the SU-1 zoning district.
Bill No. 2021-02 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Part 6, Signs
Authorization to proceed with Bill No. 2021-02, Chapter 27 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Part 6, Signs
Motion to proceed with Bill No. 2021-02, Chapter 27 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Part 6, Signs - providing for minor revisions and language clean up.
Authorization to proceed with Bill No. 2021-02, Chapter 27 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Part 6, Signs
Motion to proceed with Bill No. 2021-02, Chapter 27 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Part 6, Signs - providing for minor revisions and language clean up.
Parks & Recreation and Library - Vice-Chairman Manipole
Authorization to submit DCNR Grant Request for Community Park North
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-16, authorizing submission of a grant application for funding for construction of multipurpose field improvements and stream enhancements at Community Park North to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-16, authorizing submission of a grant application for funding for construction of multipurpose field improvements and stream enhancements at Community Park North to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).
Authorization to submit DCNR Grant Request for Comprehensive Park and Recreation Master Plan
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-17, authorizing an application for grant funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the completion of a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-17, authorizing an application for grant funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the completion of a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Public Works and Engineering - Supervisor Hezlep
Contract Change Orders
CAR #19-15-23-TWPRD - Change Order - MSA Thruway - Construction - TWPRD
Motion to approve CAR #19-15-23-TWPRD - Change Order - MSA Thruway - Construction - TWPRD - to Allegheny Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $22,852.46
Motion to approve CAR #19-15-23-TWPRD - Change Order - MSA Thruway - Construction - TWPRD - to Allegheny Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $22,852.46
CAR #19-15-25-MTF - Change Order - MSA Thruway - Construction - MTF
Motion to approve CAR #19-15-25-MTF - Change Order - MSA Thruway - Construction - MTF -to Allegheny Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $2,488.30.
Motion to approve CAR #19-15-25-MTF - Change Order - MSA Thruway - Construction - MTF -to Allegheny Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $2,488.30.
CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction
Motion to approve CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction - To Allegheny Excavating, Inc. for a deduction in the amount of ($1,216,000.00) for the removal of the A + BX penalty clause from the Contract.
Motion to approve CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction - To Allegheny Excavating, Inc. for a deduction in the amount of ($1,216,000.00) for the removal of the A + BX penalty clause from the Contract.
Contract Awards
CAR #21-06-02 - Contract Award - Line Painting & Traffic Markings
Motion to approve CAR #21-06-02 - Contract Award - Line Painting & Traffic Markings - to CASMAC Line Striping, Inc. in the amount of $64,474.24.
Motion to approve CAR #21-06-02 - Contract Award - Line Painting & Traffic Markings - to CASMAC Line Striping, Inc. in the amount of $64,474.24.
Purchase Awards
Purchase Approval #00021110-00 - Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Update Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #00021110-00 - Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Update - to Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc. in the amount of $17,000.00.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #00021110-00 - Transportation Capital Improvement Plan Update - to Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc. in the amount of $17,000.00.
Purchase Approval #00021132-00 - Community Park Stream Restoration Design & Permitting
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #00021132-00 - Community Park Stream Restoration Design & Permitting in the amount of $45,945.00 to HRG.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #00021132-00 - Community Park Stream Restoration Design & Permitting in the amount of $45,945.00 to HRG.
Bond Release Requests:
Motion to approve the following Bond Release Requests:
Full Release - Denied:
1. D0307-14-PH2 - Carriage Manor, Phase II
Partial Release - Denied:
1. D0307-18-PH3 - Carriage Manor, Phase III
Full Release:
1. D2702-09 - Franklin Square, 1656 Rt. 228
Motion to approve the following Bond Release Requests:
Full Release - Denied:
1. D0307-14-PH2 - Carriage Manor, Phase II
Partial Release - Denied:
1. D0307-18-PH3 - Carriage Manor, Phase III
Full Release:
1. D2702-09 - Franklin Square, 1656 Rt. 228
Agreement with New Sewickley Township Municipal Authority regarding implementation of a Pretreatment Program
Motion to authorize execution of an agreement between Cranberry Township and the New Sewickley Township Municipal Authority implementing the provisions of the Wastewater Pretreatment Program to system users in New Sewickley Township that are subject to the agreement.
Motion to authorize execution of an agreement between Cranberry Township and the New Sewickley Township Municipal Authority implementing the provisions of the Wastewater Pretreatment Program to system users in New Sewickley Township that are subject to the agreement.
Public Safety - Supervisor Mazzoni
Additional Solicitor Business
Additional Business
Additional Business