Agenda Item Details

CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction

CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction

Motion to approve CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction - To Allegheny Excavating, Inc. for a deduction in the amount of ($1,216,000.00) for the removal of the A + BX penalty clause from the Contract.
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CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction pdf 63 kB
Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 4/2021 on 3/25/2021 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Public Works and Engineering
Minutes: No.14
CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction

At the April 1, 2021 Regular meeting, the Board will be asked to consider CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction - To Allegheny Excavating, Inc. for a deduction in the amount of ($1,216,000.00) for the removal of the A + BX penalty clause from the Contract.
Meeting BOSREG - 3/2021 on 4/1/2021 by Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Public Works and Engineering - Vice-Chairman Hezlep
Minutes: No.17
CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction

Motion to approve CAR #19-15-24 - Change Order - MSA Thruway- Construction - To Allegheny Excavating, Inc. for a deduction in the amount of ($1,216,000.00) for the removal of the A + BX penalty clause from the Contract.
Votes: Yes 3 , No 0 , Abstain 0