Agenda Item Details

DCNR Grant Request for Comprehensive Park and Recreations Master Plan

Authorization to submit DCNR Grant Request for Comprehensive Park and Recreation Master Plan

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-17, authorizing an application for grant funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the completion of a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
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Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 4/2021 on 3/25/2021 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Township Manager
Minutes: No.27
Authorization to submit DCNR Grant Request for Comprehensive Park and Recreation Master Plan

The Township's Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan was last updated in 2010. An updated plan is required by DCNR in order to be eligible for grant funding for projects included in the plan. Many of the recommendations of the 2010 plan have been accomplished and it is time to consider an update to the plan. Staff is requesting authorization to seek grant funding for completion of the plan.

At the April 1, 2021 Regular meeting, the Board will be asked to consider a resolution authorizing an application for grant funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the completion of a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Meeting BOSREG - 3/2021 on 4/1/2021 by Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Parks & Recreation and Library - Supervisor Newpol
Minutes: No.13
Authorization to submit DCNR Grant Request for Comprehensive Park and Recreation Master Plan

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-17, authorizing an application for grant funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the completion of a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Votes: Yes 3 , No 0 , Abstain 0