Meeting Details
Planning Advisory Commission Meeting
Held at: Council Chambers
Monday, 01/27/2025
From 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag
Roll Call
Public Comment (Any item not on the agenda)
New Business
PR #COND-24-11 - C & M Play Studio - Conditional Use (TLD to open public hearing 3/7/25)
Consider a Conditional Use application for a one (1) story, 15,730 square foot Daycare facility to be located in an existing space at 3120 Unionville Road, Suite 50 in the SP-1 zoning district.
Consider a Conditional Use application for a one (1) story, 15,730 square foot Daycare facility to be located in an existing space at 3120 Unionville Road, Suite 50 in the SP-1 zoning district.
PR #LD-24-20 - Crescent - Final Phase 2 Land Development (TLD 3/7/25)
Consider a Final Land Development application for Phase 2 of the existing Crescent CCD-2 Development consisting of one hundred forty-one (141) residential units on approximately 35 acres.
(As per a request by the Developer, this application has been continued to the February 24th Planning Advisory Commission meeting.)
Consider a Final Land Development application for Phase 2 of the existing Crescent CCD-2 Development consisting of one hundred forty-one (141) residential units on approximately 35 acres.
(As per a request by the Developer, this application has been continued to the February 24th Planning Advisory Commission meeting.)
PR #LD-24-18 - Crescent - Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 3/7/25)
Consider a Revised Preliminary Land Development application increasing the number of Phase 2 residential units from 110 to 141 and decreasing the number of Phase 3 residential units from 219 to 205 increasing the total number of residential units from 774 to 791 in the existing Crescent CCD-2 Development located off Cool Springs Drive on approximately 115 acres.
(As per a request by the Developer, this application has been continued to the February 24th Planning Advisory Commission meeting.)
Consider a Revised Preliminary Land Development application increasing the number of Phase 2 residential units from 110 to 141 and decreasing the number of Phase 3 residential units from 219 to 205 increasing the total number of residential units from 774 to 791 in the existing Crescent CCD-2 Development located off Cool Springs Drive on approximately 115 acres.
(As per a request by the Developer, this application has been continued to the February 24th Planning Advisory Commission meeting.)
Bill No. 2025-02 - Chapter 27 (Zoning) (Multistory Multiple-Family Dwelling Developments)
The Commission will review Bill No. 2025-02 that would provide revisions to requirements and provisions for Multistory Multiple-Family Dwelling Developments.
The Commission will review Bill No. 2025-02 that would provide revisions to requirements and provisions for Multistory Multiple-Family Dwelling Developments.
BOS, EAC and Neighborhood Forum Update
Board of Supervisors update
Environmental Advisory Committee update
Neighborhood Forum update
Items of Interest
What R They Building update
Other Business
Motion to adjourn