Meeting Details

Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting

Held at: Council Chambers

Thursday, 12/07/2023

From 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Meeting Files:
Agenda Document
Minutes Document
Agenda Item Details
Voting Details


Call to Order - Chairman Manipole
Oath of Office - Township Supervisors

The Honorable Kevin Flaherty will administer the Oath of Office to the following newly elected and re-elected Supervisors:

Bruce Mazzoni
Karen Newpol
John Skorupan
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Public Comment (Any item on or off the Agenda)
Planning & Development Services - Supervisor Skorupan
PR #LD-23-19 - Crescent Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 1/26/24)

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-66, granting a Revised Preliminary Land Development application for alterations to the existing land development plan in the Crescent development located off Coolsprings Drive on approximately 115 acres in the CCD-2 zoning district.
PR #LD-23-18 - Crescent Revised Final Phase 1A Land Development (TLD 1/26/24)

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-67, granting a Revised Final Phase 1A Land Development application for alterations to the existing land development plan in the Crescent development located off Coolsprings Drive on approximately 115 acres in the CCD-2 zoning district.
PR #SUB-23-10 - Fiscus-Whalen Plan of Lots Subdivision Plan - Preliminary & Final Subdivision (TLD 2/26/24)

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-68, granting a Preliminary and Final Subdivision application for a lot line revision for two lots totaling approximately 3.5 acres located at 137 Wolfe Run Road and 143 Wolfe Run Road in the R-1 zoning district.
PR #SUB-23-11 - Tubridy Preliminary and Final Subdivision (TLD 2/26/24)

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-69, granting a Preliminary and Final Subdivision application for a 2 lot subdivision of approximately 65 acres located along Glen Rape Road in the R-1 zoning district.
Parks & Recreation and Library - Supervisor Newpol
Public Works and Engineering - Vice-Chairman Hezlep
Contract Change Order
CAR #23-12-06 - Change Order - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive

Motion to approve CAR #23-12-06 - Change Order - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive to JR Contracting, LLC. for a deduct in the amount of ($10,667.84) for adjusted quantities not needed to complete the project.
Contract Payments
CAR #22-29-07 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot

Motion to approve CAR #22-29-07 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot to Youngblood Paving, Inc. in the amount of $227,097.43.
CAR #22-30-07 - Partial Payment - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades

Motion to approve CAR #22-30-07 - Partial Payment - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $130,416.05.
CAR #23-02-11 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project

Motion to approve CAR #23-02-11 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project to C. H. & D. Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $56,570.24.
CAR #23-08-05 - Partial Payment - Route 19 & Progress Avenue Signal Project

Motion to approve CAR #23-08-05 - Partial Payment - Route 19 & Progress Avenue Signal Project to Traffic Control & Engineering Co. in the amount of $159,242.61.
CAR #23-08-06 - Partial Payment - Route 19 & Progress Avenue Signal Project

Motion to approve CAR #23-08-06 - Partial Payment - Route 19 & Progress Avenue Signal Project to Traffic Control & Engineering Co. in the amount of $47,936.03.
CAR #23-10.02-03-HC - Partial Payment - Municipal Center Building Renovation

Motion to approve CAR #23-10.02-03-HC - Partial Payment- Municipal Center Building Renovation to K&K Mechanical Services, Inc. in the amount of $47,099.70.
CAR #23-12-07 - Final Payment - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive

Motion to approve CAR #23-12-07 - Final Payment - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive to JR Contracting, LLC. in the amount of $30,180.72.
Contract Awards
CAR #23-15-02 - Contract Award - Pinehurst Drive Culvert Rehabilitation

Motion to approve CAR #23-15-02 - Contract Award - Pinehurst Drive Culvert Rehabilitation to S.E.T., Inc. in the amount of $362,531.00.
CAR #23-16-02 - Contract Award - Route 19 & Short Street Signal Replacement

Motion to approve CAR #23-16-02 - Contract Award - Route 19 & Short Street Signal Replacement to Traffic Control & Engineering, Co. in the amount of $1,009,737.10.
Authorizations to Bid
CAR #23-17-01 - Authorization to Bid - Cranberry Township Facilities - Housekeeping Services

Motion to approve CAR #23-17-01 - Authorization to Bid - Cranberry Township Facilities - Housekeeping Services.
Purchase Awards
Purchase Approval #24003 - Interceptor 7 - Concrete Encasement of Exposed Sewer Line

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #24003 - Interceptor 7 - Concrete Encasement of Exposed Sewer Line to State Pipe Services, Inc., via SHACOG contract, in the amount of $24,900.00.
Purchase Approval #24005 - Transportation Impact Fee Program Update

It has been over ten years since the Township has completed a full update to our long range transportation plan and impact fee program. As such, we are requesting the Board authorize the study and program update.

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #24005 - Transportation Impact Fee Program Update to HRG/Herbert Rowland & Grubic, Inc., in the amount of $145,200.00.
Purchase Approval #24006 - Waterpark Splash Pad Equipment Installation

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #24006 - Waterpark Splash Pad Equipment Installation to Vortex USA Inc.,via Co-Stars State contract, in the amount of $250,000.00.
Purchase Approval #24009 - Dutilh Road Corridor Transportation Study

The Dutilh Corridor currently functions as a short alternative parallel route to Route 19 and is a primary connection to businesses and residents. We are proposing to complete a study with a consultant that will identify the long-term vision for this critical portion of the transportation network.

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #24009 - Dutilh Road Corridor Transportation Study to McCormick Taylor in the amount of $59,655.20.
Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture

The Municipal Center renovation project is continuing and we anticipate occupancy in 2024. As part of the project, we need to purchase the workstations, fixtures and furniture for the renovated space. The purchase includes work stations for the employees, chairs for Council Chambers, and other furnishings for multiple meeting/conference rooms as well as the new Customer Service Center and common areas. We are requesting the Board consider approval of the following purchase.

Motion to approve Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture to the vendors listed in the attached summary, via Co-Stars or State contracts, in the total amount of $562,319.56.
Bond Release Request
Bond Release Requests

Motion to approve the following bond releases:


D2116 - Frito Lay Phase 1
D2116 - Frito Lay Phase 2
Vacate Public Right-of-Way on Woodlawn Road

Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-514 (Bill No. 2023-06), vacating public Right-of-Way on Woodlawn Road (T-322).
Public Safety - Supervisor Mazzoni
Administration - Chairman Manipole
Minutes - October 26, 2023, November 2, 2023 and November 8, 2023

Motion to approve the following meeting minutes:

1. October 26, 2023 - Agenda Preparation Meeting
2. November 2, 2023 - Regular Meeting
3. November 8, 2023 - Special Meeting
Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants

Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants:

1. Remittance Proposal OCT23WIR dated 10-31-23
2. Remittance Proposal OCT23PPD dated 10-31-23
3. Remittance Proposal NOV23MID dated 11-21-23
4. Remittance Proposal NOV23REF dated 11-22-23
5. Remittance Proposal NOV23WIR dated 11-30-23
6. Remittance Proposal NOV23PPD dated 11-30-23
7. Remittance Proposal DEC23BIG dated 12-08-23
8. Payroll Warrant 222023 dated 10-27-23
9. Payroll Warrant S2023 dated 10-31-23
10. Payroll Warrant 232023 dated 11-10-23
11. Payroll Warrant S2123 dated 11-15-23
Rollover Amendment for the Non-Uniform Pension Plan

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-70, amending the the Non-Uniform Pension Plan rules for rollovers from other plans.
Delta Development Group - Master, Transportation and Federal Funding Agreement Renewals

Three of our current agreements with Delta Development are expiring. We have worked with Delta focusing on transportation and capital projects and continuing the work on the economic goals of the Township. Accordingly, the Board is being asked to consider the following motions renewing the agreements with Delta Development:

1. Motion to approve the renewal of the Master Consultant Agreement with Delta Development Group through December 31, 2024, according to the amendments as stated in the November 2, 2023 letter of amendment from Delta Development which focuses on State and Local Funding, Strategic Planning and Government Relations.

2. Motion to approve the renewal of the Transportation Planning Agreement with Delta Development Group through December 31, 2024, according to the amendments as stated in the November 2, 2023 letter of amendment from Delta Development which focuses on transportation planning and the management of BUILD 1 and BUILD 2 grants.

3. Motion to approve the renewal of the Federal Funding Agreement with Delta Development Group through December 31, 2024, according to the amendments as stated in the November 2, 2023 letter of amendment from Delta Development which focuses on Federal Funding Strategy, Application Development, Compliance and Government Relations.
Property Tax Rates Establishment for Year 2024

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-71, establishing the Property Tax Rates for the Year 2024, which remain the same as 2023.
Final Budget Adoption for the Year 2024

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-72, approving the proposed 2024 budget, which maintains the current real estate tax rates.
Municibid Auction Results

At the October 5, 2023 Regular meeting, the Board authorized the sale of surplus Township equipment via electronic sale using the online Municibid program. The results of the auction, which ended on November 16, 2023, are provided in the meeting materials.
Tenant Lease Agreement in the Municipal Center - Butler County Chamber of Commerce

Motion to approve the a Tenant Lease Agreement in the Municipal Center with the Butler County Chamber of Commerce.

One (1) Recommendation (Motion attached)
Tax Assessment Appeal - National Hospitality, LLC (Quality Inn)

Motion to approve the settlement of the tax assessment appeal filed by National Hospitality, LLC at Butler County Case No. 2022-40321, and to set the assessed value for the property to $284,000 for tax year 2023 and to $260,000 for tax year 2024, and to adjust the tax bills accordingly.
Tax Assessment Appeal - Red Roof Inn

Motion to approve the tax assessment appeal filed at Butler County Court of Common Pleas No. 2021-40330, to set the assessed value for the property at $259,400 for tax bills issued for 2022, 2023 and for 2024, and to adjust the tax bills accordingly.
Monthly Reports

1. Planning and Development Services – October 2023
2. Police Department – October 2023
3. Fire Company – October 2023
4. EMS Monthly Report – October 2023
5. Open Records Summary – October 2023
6. Property Tax Collections – October 2023
7. Budget Report – October 2023
8. Utilities Department – October 2023
9. Public Works - November 2023
10. Information Technology - November 2023
11. Communications - November 2023
12. Cranberry Highlands Golf - November 2023
Additional Business
Additional Business
Motion to adjourn

Items marked in red have been added since the initial agenda.