Meeting Details
Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting
Held at: Council Chambers
Thursday, 11/02/2023
From 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Call to Order - Chairman Manipole
Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
Public Comment (Any item on or off the Agenda)
Planning & Development Services - Supervisor Skorupan
Parks & Recreation and Library - Supervisor Newpol
Public Works and Engineering - Vice-Chairman Hezlep
Contract Change Order
CAR #22-19-14 - Change Order - Sun Valley Utilities Upgrades
Motion to approve CAR #22-19-14 - Change Order - Sun Valley Utilities Upgrades for a deduct in the amount of ($40,782.60).
Motion to approve CAR #22-19-14 - Change Order - Sun Valley Utilities Upgrades for a deduct in the amount of ($40,782.60).
CAR #22-29-05 - Change Order - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot
Motion to approve CAR #22-29-05 - Change Order - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot to Youngblood Paving, Inc. in the amount of $8,400.00 for additional storm line under the pavement.
Motion to approve CAR #22-29-05 - Change Order - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot to Youngblood Paving, Inc. in the amount of $8,400.00 for additional storm line under the pavement.
CAR #22-30-05 - Change Order - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades
Motion to approve CAR #22-30-05 - Change Order - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $10,853.26.
Motion to approve CAR #22-30-05 - Change Order - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $10,853.26.
Contract Payments
CAR #22-29-06 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot
Motion to approve CAR #22-29-06 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot to Youngblood Paving, Inc. in the amount of $147,186.90.
Motion to approve CAR #22-29-06 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Admin Side Parking Lot to Youngblood Paving, Inc. in the amount of $147,186.90.
CAR #22-30-06 - Partial Payment - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades
Motion to approve CAR #22-30-06 - Partial Payment - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $184,220.94.
Motion to approve CAR #22-30-06 - Partial Payment - Fox Run Sewer System and Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $184,220.94.
CAR #23-02-10 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project
Motion to approve CAR #23-02-10 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project to C. H. & D. Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $51,418.75.
Motion to approve CAR #23-02-10 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project to C. H. & D. Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $51,418.75.
CAR #23-12-05 - Partial Payment - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive
Motion to approve CAR #23-12-05 - Partial Payment - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive to JR Contracting, LLC. in the amount of $55,267.34.
Motion to approve CAR #23-12-05 - Partial Payment - Water Main Replacement - East Commons Drive to JR Contracting, LLC. in the amount of $55,267.34.
Contract Awards
CAR #23-14-02 - Bid Rejection - Interceptor No. 7 Rehabilitation and Stream Restoration
The bids for this project came in significantly over budget. We are proposing to complete this project next year utilizing Township Public Works crews.
Motion to approve CAR #23-14-02 - Bid Rejection - Interceptor No. 7 Rehabilitation and Stream Restoration.
The bids for this project came in significantly over budget. We are proposing to complete this project next year utilizing Township Public Works crews.
Motion to approve CAR #23-14-02 - Bid Rejection - Interceptor No. 7 Rehabilitation and Stream Restoration.
Authorizations to Bid
CAR #23-16-01 - Authorization to Bid - Route 19 & Short Street Signal Replacement
This project involves replacement of one of the oldest traffic signals in the Township that has not already been replaced. The project is supported by ARLE grant in the amount of $350,000. The project will bring the signal up to current Township standards.
Motion to approve CAR #23-16-01 - Authorization to Bid - Route 19 & Short Street Signal Replacement.
This project involves replacement of one of the oldest traffic signals in the Township that has not already been replaced. The project is supported by ARLE grant in the amount of $350,000. The project will bring the signal up to current Township standards.
Motion to approve CAR #23-16-01 - Authorization to Bid - Route 19 & Short Street Signal Replacement.
Purchase Awards
Purchase Approval #23594 - 2023 Ford F350 Utility Truck
This truck was previously approved by the Board at the October 5, 2023 meeting. However, the vendor sold the truck before we placed the order. This approval is to purchase the vehicle from a different vendor.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23594 - 2023 Ford F350 Utility Truck to Laurel Motors Inc., via Co-Stars State contract, in the amount of $63,365.00 (inclusive of a $13,000 trade-in) for use within our Utilities Department.
This truck was previously approved by the Board at the October 5, 2023 meeting. However, the vendor sold the truck before we placed the order. This approval is to purchase the vehicle from a different vendor.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23594 - 2023 Ford F350 Utility Truck to Laurel Motors Inc., via Co-Stars State contract, in the amount of $63,365.00 (inclusive of a $13,000 trade-in) for use within our Utilities Department.
Purchase Approval #23608 - Community Park North Phase 1 Final Design & Permitting
The Township received notice last week that we have been awarded a $2,700,000. DCNR grant to fund the Community Park North project. Therefore, we are requesting authorization to move forward with the design of the project.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23608 - Community Park North Phase 1 Final Design & Permitting to HRG/Herbert Rowland & Grubic, Inc. in the amount of $217,300.00.
The Township received notice last week that we have been awarded a $2,700,000. DCNR grant to fund the Community Park North project. Therefore, we are requesting authorization to move forward with the design of the project.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23608 - Community Park North Phase 1 Final Design & Permitting to HRG/Herbert Rowland & Grubic, Inc. in the amount of $217,300.00.
Purchase Approval #23618 - Franklin Road Improvements - Technical Assistance on Routing, Design & Permitting
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23618 - Franklin Road Improvements - Technical Assistance on Routing, Design & Permitting to KCI Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $55,000.00
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23618 - Franklin Road Improvements - Technical Assistance on Routing, Design & Permitting to KCI Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $55,000.00
Bond Release Request
Bond Release Requests
Motion to approve the following bond releases:
D2223-07-PH 2B - Cenci's' Pizza
D0408-10-PH 8A - Park Place Phase 8A
D0408-02-PH 8B - Park Place Phase 8B
D0408-07-PH-7 - Park Place Phase 7
D2614-02-PS - Laurel Pointe Pump Station
Motion to approve the following bond releases:
D2223-07-PH 2B - Cenci's' Pizza
D0408-10-PH 8A - Park Place Phase 8A
D0408-02-PH 8B - Park Place Phase 8B
D0408-07-PH-7 - Park Place Phase 7
D2614-02-PS - Laurel Pointe Pump Station
Public Safety - Supervisor Mazzoni
School Resource Officer Agreement with Seneca Valley School District
The Seneca Valley School District requested the Township provide three (3) officers to serve as School Resource Officers for each of the three buildings, Haine Middle/Elementary, Ehrman Crest Middle/Elementary and Rowan Elementary, located within the Township. The District will reimburse the Township for those costs. The Agreement is retroactive to begin on September 1, 2023 and expires at the conclusion of the 2027-2028 school year.
Motion to approve the School Resource Officers Agreement with Seneca Valley School District retroactive to begin on September 1, 2023 and expiring at the conclusion of the 2027-2028 school year.
The Seneca Valley School District requested the Township provide three (3) officers to serve as School Resource Officers for each of the three buildings, Haine Middle/Elementary, Ehrman Crest Middle/Elementary and Rowan Elementary, located within the Township. The District will reimburse the Township for those costs. The Agreement is retroactive to begin on September 1, 2023 and expires at the conclusion of the 2027-2028 school year.
Motion to approve the School Resource Officers Agreement with Seneca Valley School District retroactive to begin on September 1, 2023 and expiring at the conclusion of the 2027-2028 school year.
Administration - Chairman Manipole
SHACOG 2023 Fall Commodities
Motion to approve the awards for the SHACOG 2023 Fall Commodities bids as follows:
1. Gasoline/Diesel Fuel - Glassmere Fuel Service, Inc
2. Pesticides
. E.H. Griffith, Inc.
. Harrell's
. Nutrien Solutions
. Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC
. Walker Supply, Inc.
Motion to approve the awards for the SHACOG 2023 Fall Commodities bids as follows:
1. Gasoline/Diesel Fuel - Glassmere Fuel Service, Inc
2. Pesticides
. E.H. Griffith, Inc.
. Harrell's
. Nutrien Solutions
. Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC
. Walker Supply, Inc.
Multimodal Transportation Funding Grant Application
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-64, approving submission of a grant application for PennDOT's Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Statewide Competitive Funding Program. The application includes intersection improvements at Unionville Road and Progress Avenue to provide safety and connectivity upgrades.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-64, approving submission of a grant application for PennDOT's Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Statewide Competitive Funding Program. The application includes intersection improvements at Unionville Road and Progress Avenue to provide safety and connectivity upgrades.
Minutes - September 28, 2023 and October 5, 2023
Motion to approve the following meeting minutes:
1. September 28, 2023 - Agenda Preparation Meeting
2. October 5, 2023 - Regular Meeting
Motion to approve the following meeting minutes:
1. September 28, 2023 - Agenda Preparation Meeting
2. October 5, 2023 - Regular Meeting
Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants
Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants:
1. Remittance Proposal SEP23WIR dated 09-30-23
2. Remittance Proposal SEP23PPD dated 09-30-23
3. Remittance Proposal OCT23MID dated 10-18-23
4. Remittance Proposal OCT23REF dated 10-20-23
5. Remittance Proposal NOV23BIG dated 11-03-23
6. Payroll Warrant 202023 dated 09-29-23
7. Payroll Warrant 212023 dated 10-13-23
8. Payroll Warrant S1823 dated 09-29-23
9. Payroll Warrant S1923 dated 10-16-23
Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants:
1. Remittance Proposal SEP23WIR dated 09-30-23
2. Remittance Proposal SEP23PPD dated 09-30-23
3. Remittance Proposal OCT23MID dated 10-18-23
4. Remittance Proposal OCT23REF dated 10-20-23
5. Remittance Proposal NOV23BIG dated 11-03-23
6. Payroll Warrant 202023 dated 09-29-23
7. Payroll Warrant 212023 dated 10-13-23
8. Payroll Warrant S1823 dated 09-29-23
9. Payroll Warrant S1923 dated 10-16-23
Tax Assessment Appeal - Home Depot
Motion to approve the settlement of the tax assessment appeal filed by Smail Family Limited Partnership (Home Depot) at Butler County Case No. 2020-40322, to set the assessed values based on a fair market value of $9,600,000 for each of the tax years at issue, and to adjust the tax bills in accordance with the terms of the proposed settlement.
Motion to approve the settlement of the tax assessment appeal filed by Smail Family Limited Partnership (Home Depot) at Butler County Case No. 2020-40322, to set the assessed values based on a fair market value of $9,600,000 for each of the tax years at issue, and to adjust the tax bills in accordance with the terms of the proposed settlement.
Monthly Reports
1. Planning and Development Services - September 2023
2. Police Department - September 2023
3. Fire Company - September 2023
4. EMS Monthly Report - September 2023
5. Open Records Summary - September 2023
6. Property Tax Collections - September 2023
7. Budget Report - September 2023
8. Utilities Department - September 2023
9. Public Works - October 2023
10. Information Technology - October 2023
11. Communications - October 2023
12. Cranberry Highlands Golf - October 2023
1. Planning and Development Services - September 2023
2. Police Department - September 2023
3. Fire Company - September 2023
4. EMS Monthly Report - September 2023
5. Open Records Summary - September 2023
6. Property Tax Collections - September 2023
7. Budget Report - September 2023
8. Utilities Department - September 2023
9. Public Works - October 2023
10. Information Technology - October 2023
11. Communications - October 2023
12. Cranberry Highlands Golf - October 2023
Additional Business
Additional Business
Items marked in red have been added since the initial agenda.