Agenda Item Details

Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture

Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture

The Municipal Center renovation project is continuing, and we will be occupying the newly renovated space in late 2024. As part of the project, additional workstations, fixtures and furniture are needed to complete the new spaces.

Motion to approve Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture to the vendors listed in the attached summary, via Co-Stars or State contracts, in the total amount of $117,500.00.
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Furniture Vendors pdf 192 kB
Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 10/2024 on 10/30/2024 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Purchase Awards
Minutes: No.33
Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture

The Municipal Center renovation project is continuing, and we will be occupying the newly renovated space in late 2024. As part of the project, additional workstations, fixtures and furniture are needed to complete the new spaces.

At the November 7, 2024 Regular meeting, the Board will be asked to consider approval of Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture to the vendors listed in the attached summary, via Co-Stars or State contracts, in the total amount of $117,500.00.
Meeting BOSREG - 10/2024 on 11/7/2024 by Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Purchase Awards
Minutes: No.30
Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture

The Municipal Center renovation project is continuing, and we will be occupying the newly renovated space in late 2024. As part of the project, additional workstations, fixtures and furniture are needed to complete the new spaces.

Motion to approve Purchase Approvals - Municipal Center Workstations, Fixtures and Furniture to the vendors listed in the attached summary, via Co-Stars or State contracts, in the total amount of $117,500.00.
Votes: Yes 5 , No 0 , Abstain 0