Voting Details

Butler County MIP Grant - ARPA Subrecipient Agreement - Pinehurst Drive Stormwater Culvert Project

Cranberry Township is seeking to accept a $121,375 grant award from the Butler County Municipal Infrastructure Program (MIP) and execute an ARPA Subrecipient Agreement with the County. The proposed culvert replacement project will provide necessary stormwater infrastructure to maintain adequate conveyance in the drainage area.

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-09, accepting $121,375 from the Butler County Municipal Infrastructure Program (MIP) for the Pinehurst Drive Stormwater Culvert Project and authorizing execution of the ARPA Subrecipient Agreement with Butler County as required by the terms of the grant.

For: 5
  • John Skorupan
  • Bruce Mazzoni
  • Mike Manipole
  • Bruce Hezlep
  • Karen Newpol
Against: 0
Abstained: 0
Recused: 0
Absent: 0