Purchase Approval #23007 - Redevelopment Study - Planning Services
Proactive planning and community visioning have remained a priority of the Board and as such, the Township continues to update sections of the Cranberry Plan. Earlier in 2022, the Township received a $50,000 matching grant from DCED to conduct a redevelopment study of our core commercial areas, as well as update the economic development section of the Cranberry Plan. The proposed study will inventory the current conditions, identify best practices, and create an actionable plan for future redevelopment in Cranberry’s commercial core. This planning process is critical for the long-term sustainability of the Township’s commercial corridors.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23007– Redevelopment Study – Planning Services to czb, LLC in the amount of $105,000.00 which includes an economic development update to the Cranberry Plan.
- John Skorupan
- Bruce Mazzoni
- Mike Manipole
- Bruce Hezlep
- Karen Newpol