Meeting Details
Planning Advisory Commission Meeting
Held at: Cranberry Library
Tuesday, 05/28/2024
From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag
Roll Call
Public Comment (Any item not on the agenda)
Any comment for items not on the agenda.
New Business
PR #SUB-24-7 - Lifeway Baptist Church Lot Consolidation - Preliminary & Final Subdivision (TLD 8/25/24)
Consider a Preliminary and Final Subdivision application for the consolidation of two lots totaling approximately 4 acres located at 28 Rolling Road in the R-2 zoning district.
Consider a Preliminary and Final Subdivision application for the consolidation of two lots totaling approximately 4 acres located at 28 Rolling Road in the R-2 zoning district.
PR #LD-24-9 - Lifeway Baptist Church Parking Lot Expansion - Preliminary & Final Land Development (TLD 7/27/24)
Consider a Preliminary and Final Land Development application to expand the parking lot at an existing Religious Establishment on approximately 4 acres located at 28 Rolling Road in the R-2 zoning district.
Consider a Preliminary and Final Land Development application to expand the parking lot at an existing Religious Establishment on approximately 4 acres located at 28 Rolling Road in the R-2 zoning district.
PR #COND-24-3 - Skill Games 777 - Conditional Use (TLD to open public hearing 7/1/24)
Consider a Conditional Use application for a 1,000 square foot Amusement/Arcade Use within an existing Multi tenant building (Excel Center) located at 20455 Route 19, Suite 10A in the SU-1 zoning district.
Consider a Conditional Use application for a 1,000 square foot Amusement/Arcade Use within an existing Multi tenant building (Excel Center) located at 20455 Route 19, Suite 10A in the SU-1 zoning district.
Construction Awareness
Construction Awareness Presentation
BOS, EAC and Neighborhood Forum Update
Board of Supervisors Update
Mr. Henshaw gave the update.
Mr. Henshaw gave the update.
Environmental Advisory Committee Update
Mr. Henshaw gave the update.
Mr. Henshaw gave the update.
Neighborhood Forum Update
Mr. Henshaw gave the update.
Mr. Henshaw gave the update.
Items of Interest
Items of Interest Presentation
Mr. Henshaw gave the presentation.
Mr. Henshaw gave the presentation.
Other Business
It was noted that the June 3rd meeting will be cancelled.