Meeting Details
General Authority Board of Directors
Held at: Meeting Room
Tuesday, 04/11/2023
From 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Public Comment
Reorganization of the Board:
Current Officers:
a. Chairman - Vacant
b. Vice Chairman - Vacant
c. Secretary - Jerry A. Andree
d. Treasurer - Bettelou Bertoncello
e. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer - Dan Santoro
Motion to Appoint the following slate of officers:
Chairman ________________________________________
Vice-Chair _______________________________________
Secretary ________________________________________
Treasurer ________________________________________
Asst. Secretary/Treasurer ______________________________
Current Officers:
a. Chairman - Vacant
b. Vice Chairman - Vacant
c. Secretary - Jerry A. Andree
d. Treasurer - Bettelou Bertoncello
e. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer - Dan Santoro
Motion to Appoint the following slate of officers:
Chairman ________________________________________
Vice-Chair _______________________________________
Secretary ________________________________________
Treasurer ________________________________________
Asst. Secretary/Treasurer ______________________________
Old Business
New Business
Designation of Depository - Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust (PLGIT)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. GA-2023-01, authorizing the use of PLGIT as an Authority depository.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. GA-2023-01, authorizing the use of PLGIT as an Authority depository.
Update on Proposed initiatives for 2023
MS4 Stream restoration Project - Glen Eden Streambank Stabilization
Sun Valley Utilities Upgrade Project
Fox Run Stormwater Improvements
Interceptor No. 7 Rehabilitation and Stream Restoration
Pinehurst Drive Culvert Rehabilitation
Valerie Drive Culvert Rehabilitation
Fox Run Area Storm Sewer Detention
MS4 Stream restoration Project - Glen Eden Streambank Stabilization
Sun Valley Utilities Upgrade Project
Fox Run Stormwater Improvements
Interceptor No. 7 Rehabilitation and Stream Restoration
Pinehurst Drive Culvert Rehabilitation
Valerie Drive Culvert Rehabilitation
Fox Run Area Storm Sewer Detention
Stormwater Maintenance Activities
Staff will review the 2022 Stormwater Maintenance Activities, Accomplishments, and Goals in the attached summary report.
Staff will review the 2022 Stormwater Maintenance Activities, Accomplishments, and Goals in the attached summary report.
Approval of Minutes
Additional business pertinent to the Authority
Motion to Adjourn