Meeting Details
Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting
Held at: Council Chambers
Thursday, 06/01/2023
From 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Call to Order - Chairman Manipole
Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
Video - Seneca Valley Student Volunteer Day - May 31, 2023
On Wednesday, May 31, 2023 approximately 120 students from Ryan Gloyer Middle School volunteered at each of the Township Parks and the Municipal Center. Staff has prepared a video of the students hard at work.
On Wednesday, May 31, 2023 approximately 120 students from Ryan Gloyer Middle School volunteered at each of the Township Parks and the Municipal Center. Staff has prepared a video of the students hard at work.
Public Comment (Any item on or off the Agenda)
Planning & Development Services - Supervisor Skorupan
PR #PRD-23-2 - Felson Phase 2 PRD - Tentative PRD (TLD to open public hearing 6/2/2023)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-31, granting Tentative Phase 2 Planned Residential Development application for three (3) buildings, one hundred eighty unit (180) apartment unit multi-family Planned Residential Development located along Brandt Drive on approximately 5.5 acres in the C-3 zoning district.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-31, granting Tentative Phase 2 Planned Residential Development application for three (3) buildings, one hundred eighty unit (180) apartment unit multi-family Planned Residential Development located along Brandt Drive on approximately 5.5 acres in the C-3 zoning district.
PR #LD-23-8 - Crescent Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 7/22/23)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-32, granting Revised Preliminary Land Development Approval for revisions adjusting the apartment buildings within Phase 1B of the Crescent development located off Coolsprings Drive on approximately 115 acres in the CCD-2 zoning district.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-32, granting Revised Preliminary Land Development Approval for revisions adjusting the apartment buildings within Phase 1B of the Crescent development located off Coolsprings Drive on approximately 115 acres in the CCD-2 zoning district.
PR #LD-23-7 - Crescent Final Phase 1B Land Development (TLD 7/22/23)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-33, granting Final Land Development approval to adjust the placement of eight (8) apartment buildings within Phase 1B of the Crescent development located off Coolsprings Drive on approximately 9.45 acres in the CCD-2 zoning district.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-33, granting Final Land Development approval to adjust the placement of eight (8) apartment buildings within Phase 1B of the Crescent development located off Coolsprings Drive on approximately 9.45 acres in the CCD-2 zoning district.
PR #LD-23-9 - Manheim Remarketing, Inc. - Preliminary & Final Land Development (TLD 7/22/23)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-34, granting Preliminary and Final Land Development Approval for a revision to an existing Automobile Auction facility located at 21095 Route 19 in the I-L Zoning District.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-34, granting Preliminary and Final Land Development Approval for a revision to an existing Automobile Auction facility located at 21095 Route 19 in the I-L Zoning District.
PR #SUB-23-4 - Lake Forest Plan of Lots Revised Lot Consolidation Plan - Preliminary & Final Subdivision (TLD 8/22/23)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-35, granting Lot Consolidation Approval for two lots totaling approximately 3.015 acres located at 306 Plains Church Road in the R-1 zoning district.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-35, granting Lot Consolidation Approval for two lots totaling approximately 3.015 acres located at 306 Plains Church Road in the R-1 zoning district.
PR #SUB-23-5 - Park Place Amendment No. 56 - Preliminary and Final Subdivision (TLD 8/24/23)
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-36, granting Lot Line Revision Approval to create 5 lots on Lot 7-11 along Caledonia Place within the Park Place, Phase 7 Development.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-36, granting Lot Line Revision Approval to create 5 lots on Lot 7-11 along Caledonia Place within the Park Place, Phase 7 Development.
Bill No. 2023-02 - Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 27) Amendment, Solar Energy Facility as Accessory Use
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-510 for Bill No. 2023-02, (Zoning Ordinance) consisting of revisions to Section 352 (Solar-Energy Facility as Accessory Use) requirements.
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-510 for Bill No. 2023-02, (Zoning Ordinance) consisting of revisions to Section 352 (Solar-Energy Facility as Accessory Use) requirements.
Parks & Recreation and Library - Supervisor Newpol
Public Works and Engineering - Vice-Chairman Hezlep
Contract Change Order
CAR #22-17-12 - Change Order - Municipal Campus Rear Parking Lot - Parking Lot Improvements
Motion to approve CAR #22-17-12 - Change Order - Municipal Campus Rear Parking Lot - Parking Lot Improvements to Holbein, Inc. in the amount of $6,752.00.
Motion to approve CAR #22-17-12 - Change Order - Municipal Campus Rear Parking Lot - Parking Lot Improvements to Holbein, Inc. in the amount of $6,752.00.
Contract Payments
CAR #22-17-13 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Rear Parking Lot - Parking Lot Improvements
Motion to approve CAR #22-17-13 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Rear Parking Lot - Parking Lot Improvements to Holbein, Inc. in the amount of $109,494.58.
Motion to approve CAR #22-17-13 - Partial Payment - Municipal Campus Rear Parking Lot - Parking Lot Improvements to Holbein, Inc. in the amount of $109,494.58.
CAR #23-02-04 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project
Motion to approve CAR #23-02-04 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project to C.H. & D. Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $313,920.00.
Motion to approve CAR #23-02-04 - Partial Payment - Pickleball Expansion Project to C.H. & D. Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $313,920.00.
CAR #22-20-08 - Final Payment - Brandt Drive Extension
Motion to approve CAR #22-20-08 - Final Payment - Brandt Drive Extension to Tedesco Construction, Inc. in the amount of $71,732.40.
Motion to approve CAR #22-20-08 - Final Payment - Brandt Drive Extension to Tedesco Construction, Inc. in the amount of $71,732.40.
Contract Awards
CAR #22-30-02 - Contract Award - Fox Run Sewer System & Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades
Motion to approve CAR #22-30-02 - Contract Award - Fox Run Sewer System & Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $497,519.30.
Motion to approve CAR #22-30-02 - Contract Award - Fox Run Sewer System & Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrades to Thomas Construction, Inc. in the amount of $497,519.30.
Authorizations to Bid
CAR# 23-09-01 - Authorization to Bid - MS4 Glen Eden Watershed Stream Restoration Project
Motion to approve CAR# 23-09-01 - Authorization to Bid - MS4 Glen Eden Watershed Stream Restoration Project.
Motion to approve CAR# 23-09-01 - Authorization to Bid - MS4 Glen Eden Watershed Stream Restoration Project.
Purchase Awards
Purchase Approval #23347 - Line Painting
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23347 - Line Painting to Alpha Space Control Company Inc., via the SHACOG cooperative purchasing program, in the amount of $141,969.08.
Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23347 - Line Painting to Alpha Space Control Company Inc., via the SHACOG cooperative purchasing program, in the amount of $141,969.08.
Bond Release Request
Bond Release Request:
Motion to approve the following Bond Release Requests:
BAR D2223-05 - Cenci Pizza
BAR D2123-01 - Henry's Meat Market
Motion to approve the following Bond Release Requests:
BAR D2223-05 - Cenci Pizza
BAR D2123-01 - Henry's Meat Market
PennDOT Private Status Agreement for Utility - Freedom Road Build II
Motion to approve and authorize the execution of the PennDOT Private Status Agreement for Utility between Cranberry Township and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting through the Department of Transportation as part of the Freedom Road Build II project.
Motion to approve and authorize the execution of the PennDOT Private Status Agreement for Utility between Cranberry Township and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting through the Department of Transportation as part of the Freedom Road Build II project.
Public Safety - Supervisor Mazzoni
Administration - Chairman Manipole
Comcast Franchise Agreement
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-511, granting Comcast a non-exclusive franchise agreement to provide services in Cranberry Township.
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-511, granting Comcast a non-exclusive franchise agreement to provide services in Cranberry Township.
One Call Locating Services Agreement
Motion to authorize the execution of an agreement with USIC Locating Services, LLC. for utility locating and marking services.
Motion to authorize the execution of an agreement with USIC Locating Services, LLC. for utility locating and marking services.
Minutes - April 27, 2023
Motion to approve the minutes for the April 27, 2023 Agenda Preparation meeting.
Motion to approve the minutes for the April 27, 2023 Agenda Preparation meeting.
Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants
Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants:
1. Remittance Proposal APR23WIR dated April 30, 2023
2. Remittance Proposal APR23PPD dated April 30, 2023
3. Remittance Proposal MAY23MID dated May 18, 2023
4. Remittance Proposal MAY23REF dated May 22, 2023
5. Remittance Proposal JUN23BIG dated June 2,2023
6. Payroll Warrant S0823 dated April 28, 2023
7. Payroll Warrant 092023 dated April 28, 2023
8. Payroll Warrant 102023 dated May 12, 2023
9. Payroll Warrant S0923 dated May 15, 2023
Motion to approve the following Remittance Proposals and Payroll Warrants:
1. Remittance Proposal APR23WIR dated April 30, 2023
2. Remittance Proposal APR23PPD dated April 30, 2023
3. Remittance Proposal MAY23MID dated May 18, 2023
4. Remittance Proposal MAY23REF dated May 22, 2023
5. Remittance Proposal JUN23BIG dated June 2,2023
6. Payroll Warrant S0823 dated April 28, 2023
7. Payroll Warrant 092023 dated April 28, 2023
8. Payroll Warrant 102023 dated May 12, 2023
9. Payroll Warrant S0923 dated May 15, 2023
Additional Solicitor Business
Monthly Reports
1. Planning and Development Services - April 2023
2. Police Department - April 2023
3. Fire Company - April 2023
4. EMS Monthly Report - April 2023
5. Open Records Summary - April 2023
6. Property Tax Collections - April 2023
7. Budget Report - April 2023
8. Utilities Department Report - April 2023
9. Public Works Activity Report - May 2023
10. Information Technology Report - May 2023
11. Communications Report - May 2023
12. Cranberry Highland Golf - May 2023
1. Planning and Development Services - April 2023
2. Police Department - April 2023
3. Fire Company - April 2023
4. EMS Monthly Report - April 2023
5. Open Records Summary - April 2023
6. Property Tax Collections - April 2023
7. Budget Report - April 2023
8. Utilities Department Report - April 2023
9. Public Works Activity Report - May 2023
10. Information Technology Report - May 2023
11. Communications Report - May 2023
12. Cranberry Highland Golf - May 2023
Additional Business
Additional Business
Items marked in red have been added since the initial agenda.