Agenda Item Details

CAR #24-10-01 - Authorization to Bid - Franklin Acres Pump Station & Force Main Infrastructure Upgrades

CAR #24-10-01 - Authorization to Bid - Franklin Acres Pump Station & Force Main Infrastructure Upgrades

Cranberry Township has received federal funding through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for upgrades at the Franklin Acres Pump Station. Having received the necessary approvals, the Township is preparing to publicly bid this project which includes the construction of a new package pump station at the existing location.

Motion to approve the authorization to bid the Franklin Acres Pump Station & Force Main Infrastructure Upgrades.
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CAR #24-10-01 - Authorization to Bid - Franklin Acres Pump Station & Force Main pdf 52 kB
Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 11/2024 on 11/21/2024 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Authorizations to Bid
Minutes: No.26
CAR #24-10-01 - Authorization to Bid - Franklin Acres Pump Station & Force Main Infrastructure Upgrades

Cranberry Township has received federal funding through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for upgrades at the Franklin Acres Pump Station. Having received the necessary approvals, the Township is preparing to publicly bid this project which includes the construction of a new package pump station at the existing location.

At the December 12, 2024 Regular meeting, the Board will be asked to consider approval for the authorization to bid the CAR #24-10-01 - Authorization to Bid - Franklin Acres Pump Station & Force Main Infrastructure Upgrades.