Agenda Item Details

Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services

Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services

The Township has received approximately one million dollars in grant funding for the improvement of this intersection. The staff is prepared to move forward with the professional service contract to complete the design, PennDot permitting and bid documents.

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services to HRG/Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc., in the amount of $141,700.00.
Name Download Ext. Filesize
Requisition pdf 204 kB
Quote pdf 9 MB
Justification Memo pdf 715 kB
Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 10/2024 on 10/30/2024 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Purchase Awards
Minutes: No.30
Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services

The Township has received approximately one million dollars in grant funding for the improvement of this intersection. The staff is prepared to move forward with the professional service contract to complete the design, PennDot permitting and bid documents.

At the November 7, 2024 Regular meeting, the Board will be asked to consider approval of Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services to HRG/Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc., in the amount of $141,700.00.
Meeting BOSREG - 10/2024 on 11/7/2024 by Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Purchase Awards
Minutes: No.27
Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services

The Township has received approximately one million dollars in grant funding for the improvement of this intersection. The staff is prepared to move forward with the professional service contract to complete the design, PennDot permitting and bid documents.

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #24643 - Brandt Drive & Route 19 Intersection Improvements Design Services to HRG/Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc., in the amount of $141,700.00.
Votes: Yes 5 , No 0 , Abstain 0