Agenda Item Details

Tax Assessment Appeal -Residence Inn

Managers Office
Tax Assessment Appeal -Residence Inn

Motion to approve the proposed settlement of the tax assessment appeal filed at Case No. 2020-40296, to adjust the assessed value for the property based on a fair market value of $7.5 million for tax years 2021, 2022, and 2023, and $7.8 million for 2024, and to adjust the tax bills and issue refunds accordingly.
Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 5/2024 on 5/30/2024 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Additional Township Solicitor Business
Minutes: No.33
Tax Assessment Appeal -Residence Inn

Motion to approve the proposed settlement of the tax assessment appeal filed at Case No. 2020-40296, to adjust the assessed value for the property based on a fair market value of $7.5 million for tax years 2021, 2022, and 2023, and $7.8 million for 2024, and to adjust the tax bills and issue refunds accordingly.
Votes: Yes 5 , No 0 , Abstain 0