Agenda Item Details

PR #LD-23-16 - Breckenridge - Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 11/23/23)

Planning & Development Services
PR #LD-23-16 - Breckenridge - Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 11/23/23)

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-54, granting Revised Preliminary Land Development approval for a four (4) phase, 117 townhouse unit residential development to be located along Freedom Road on approximately 18 acres in the CCD Freedom B Overlay zoning district.
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Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 8/2023 on 8/31/2023 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Planning & Development Services
Minutes: No.8
PR #LD-23-16 - Breckenridge - Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 11/23/23)

At the September 7, 2023 Regular Meeting, the Board will be asked to consider a Revised Preliminary Land Development approval for a four (4) phase, 117 townhouse unit residential development to be located along Freedom Road on approximately 18 acres in the CCD Freedom B Overlay zoning district.
Meeting BOSREG - 8/2023 on 9/7/2023 by Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Planning & Development Services - Supervisor Skorupan
Minutes: No.4
PR #LD-23-16 - Breckenridge - Revised Preliminary Land Development (TLD 11/23/23)

Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-54, granting Revised Preliminary Land Development approval for a four (4) phase, 117 townhouse unit residential development to be located along Freedom Road on approximately 18 acres in the CCD Freedom B Overlay zoning district.
Votes: Yes 5 , No 0 , Abstain 0