Agenda Item Details

Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course

Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course to Club Car, via the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program, in the amount of $426,400.00. The purchase includes the trade-in value of the existing 80 cart fleet.
Name Download Ext. Filesize
Requisition pdf 204 kB
Quote pdf 280 kB
Directors Justification Memo pdf 1 MB
BOS Justification Memo pdf 146 kB
Discussed at meetings:
Meeting BOSAP - 7/2023 on 7/27/2023 by Board of Supervisors - Agenda Preparation Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Purchase Awards
Minutes: No.20
Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course

At the August 3, 2023 Regular meeting, the Board will be asked to consider approval of Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course to Club Car, via the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program, in the amount of $426,400.00. The purchase includes the trade-in value of the existing 80 cart fleet.
Meeting BOSREG - 7/2023 on 8/3/2023 by Board of Supervisors - Regular Meeting Status: Finished
Topic: Purchase Awards
Minutes: No.24
Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course

Motion to approve Purchase Approval #23459 - Golf Carts (80) - Cranberry Highlands Golf Course to Club Car, via the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program, in the amount of $426,400.00. The purchase includes the trade-in value of the existing 80 cart fleet.
Votes: Yes 5 , No 0 , Abstain 0